Day 2: Pitch pitch pitch
Pitch and document!
Last updated
Pitch and document!
Last updated
This is an example of the remote edition fo 2020. Go to the website of your specific edition if you want to figure out what's happening now!
Last pitch to create; make it count!
Cancelled due to other priorities –we have retro's planned this week to replace.
Demo Day Pitch! Whoop!
Put your one-minute pitch video (slides optional) in our DRIVE (we have migrated) by 13:00:
Please warn Miet if you'll be later than 13:00.
Update the host and interviewee in the spreadsheets:
Host instructions coming
Your pitch should include:
Project description
Make it demo-day-ready!
Who is your client
Give us a Call-To-Action, tell us why to come to your project breakout room!
Don't worry, we'll teach you how to deliver like a pro [tutorial]!
To make sure the demo day will go smoooooth
We would love to hear your feedback. If you really can't make it, we'll send the questions afterwards.
We meet via Discord (or via Zoom, depending on the load!)