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Last updated
Awww yeah! You can focus on building, testing and shipping today 🥳
Don't just invite your friends and family to show off what you made; invite your (future) colleagues and employers – so you get to land that dream job 😎
This pitch is your last regular pitch. Take the opportunity to try pitching like you would during the demo day. Show us what you've made, explain us why people should check it out and be proud!
Decide who pitches – and add it to
The sequence of pitches will be the one in the
The pitcher gets ready to go go go!
Pitch form: 60 seconds (optional slides, maximum of 6 slides)
Pitch content
Pitch the project (biggest part!)
For whom
Put your presentation in this folder!
Your scoping could include:
Go over the learnings you got from other teams about your pitch
Reevaluate the way you worked together on this hackathon, what could you improve?
Do a retro with the team; what did you like about working together with a team, what would you want to change?
Find your groove. Use this time to get ready to conquer the world... next week.
Today is the Final Call for Deployment Help. Ask Clément if you need it; Tuesday is his last day!
Decide together what you'd like to build, with a or a for example.