🦹🏽 Development & Data

Front-end, back-end, maps, ...

Student coaches


🦹🏽 Jodi De Loof [Jodi De Loof#6665 on Discord] ABB, CIRCL Vanhout Project management & Scrum master consultant at AE Bio I'm an IT consultant with a wide range of interests and experiences.

I graduated in Applied Computer Science at HoGent, where I not only discovered my interest for technology but also for people and business.

The world is constantly changing and transforming, because of this I'm often improving my knowledge of certain technologies, frameworks, workflows or anything that can help support organizations in delivering products and services in a more efficient way. Skills Front-end Font-end, Back-end, agile, scrum, project & stakeholder management, people coaching, CI/CD, Team motivator Java (Quarkus), .NET, docker, JIRA, UML, API Design, Project scoping, Amazon S3, Angular, Test driven development, Git flow (and other version control branching techniques), SQL, excel (sadly) jodideloof.be Good to know My favorite things to talk about / enjoy are wine, watches and food. Even better if you combine them ;)

🦹🏽 Clément Vandendaelen [LotuxPunk#1962 on Discord] Deployment Stick Man Software engineer at TAKTIK SA Bio Software engineer at iCure/Taktik, eager for learn stuff and help people! https://vandendaelen.com

Skills Back-end, Mobile development (native Kotlin/Swift) Kotlin, Java, Typescript, JavaScript, PHP, Swift Good to know I started programming with Minecraft

Peter Bertels [pbertels#8667 on Discord] CIRCL Vanhout Digital Architect at CIRCL by Vanhout

Bio Peter Bertels combines a doctoral degree in Computer Science Engineering from Ghent University and a business degree from KU Leuven. Peter has a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. He helps companies to fire start their innovation process with design thinking, business modelling and customer development. He is founder of Dwengo (STEM education) and Norsu (innovation consulting). In 2021 he joined Vanhout to launch a new venture: CIRCL with a team of intrapreneurs. CIRCL is a radically digital construction company. https://circl.be

Skills Business modelling PHP, JS

Good to know Even with two left hands, it's possible to work for a construction company

Meg Vandezande [MegV#3125 on Discord] NCCN Fullstack developer at Meg Vandezande Bio Hi! A bit more than 4 years ago I followed a coding bootcamp with Le Wagon in Brussels. The four years following this bootcamp, I have worked in 2 different startups as fullstack developer. A couple of months ago, I have joined the freelancer club. wearemiyu.com

Skills Front-end Ruby on Rails, React, JS, HTML, CSS, some nodejs

Good to know I consist of 50% pasta 🍝

Thor Galle [th0rgall#5081 on Discord] Procedure Builder & Powerful Personal Data Owner at BitHarmony Oy


I'm Thor, a full-stack developer with some UX design chops! I studied Informatica at KU Leuven and "Human-Computer Interaction & Design" at EIT in Helsinki & Stockholm, graduating in 2020.

I joined my first oSoc edition in 2017 as a bachelor student, after that I continued helping coach Fredrik Vincx with his oSoc project in a fourth bachelor year 😏 (that project now evolved into https://soulcenter.be/).

These experiences motivated me to work more with entrepreneurship, and after while finishing my studies I worked at a "digital sales" consultancy (https://columbiaroad.com/), a reading app startup (https://readup.com) and a habit-tracker app startup (https://potential.app).

I mostly do front-end web development, but in start-ups you end up doing almost everything ;) I have decent experience with Flutter as well.

The name "Thor" is misleading: I'm actually Belgian. Here's a full bio: https://thorgalle.me/about https://thorgalle.me

Skills Front-end > back-end > project mgmt - UX Design > UI Design > Business modelling JavaScript, TypeScript, node.js; React, Vue.js; Dart & Flutter.

Some PostgreSQL, some Python, some Bash, some Docker.

VSCode :) Contentful/HubSpot/Heroku/. . . . .

Good to know On August 1st, 2018, right after oSoc18, I took my bike and cycled ~2500km to Helsinki, where I studied and where I'm still living today (except for coming back to Belgium for oSoc22).

In case you're curious: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/thepedalchoiceog

Jonathan Beliën [jbelien#3989 on Discord] NCCN Lead Developer at NCCN

Bio Open Knowledge Belgium board member ; OpenStreetMap Belgium board member ; Full stack web developer ; NCCN Lead developer ; LEGO fan ; https://jbelien.be

Skills Back-end front-end, back-end, maps, database, deployment, ... PHP, TypeScript, SQL, ...

Good to know Balkans are a really beautiful region!

Demian Dekoninck [demian#0216 on Discord] Powerful Personal Data Software Engineer at Pexip

Bio Hi, I'm Demian. I'm a software engineer working at Pexip. I'm currently working on the new architecture for our product. https://www.dem.be/

Skills Back-end Front-end Node.js, TypeScript, Serverless, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Microservices, GraphQL, GitHub, TailwindCSS, React.js, Next.js, PHP, Laravel, Linked Data

Good to know I prefer a trackpad over a mouse 👀

Pieterjan Dendauw [dendpj#9576 on Discord] Knowledge impact Business Analyst at Ghent University

Bio Business analyst with a strong focus on data analysis in python and R, skills in data science. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pieterjandendauw/

Skills Storytelling data analysis, engineering python, R, Shiny

Good to know I prefer painting over programming.

Pieter Vander Vennet [pietervdvn#0638 on Discord] OnWheels Programmer at Anyways

Bio Involved with OpenStreetMap, studied informatica at UGent, climbing fan en.osm.town/web/@pietervdvn

Skills Maps climbing Typescript

Good to know Coockies are my weakness! Oh, I did coach OSOC from my bed last year

Christophe Leroy [Kyng#1717 on Discord] Procedure builder, coach coach & Butterfly frontend developer or frontend engineer I never know depends which paper you check at rock.estate

Bio You can call me Chris, Kyng or Batteman. But the important thing is you can call on me. I'll always figure out a way to help you. I love coaching at osoc, because it gets me out of my daily routine. It takes me back to where my front-end career started as a student developer in 2015. You can also ask me non-front-end related questions about good music, anime, coaching and life advice when I'm not taking care of my dog Snacky. Stay hydrated.


Skills Front-end, Weird lifechoices, proofreading HTML, CSS, JS (incl. React & Vue)

Good to know Had a burnout simmering for a few months before osoc last year. It took me one week back at the job before it happened for real and had me quit relatively soon after that.

Last updated