πŸ¦„Communication & Strategy

Business development, marketing, communication, copywriting, pitching, strategy, videography

Coach Pol [POLO#6838 on Discord] Natuurpunt & Oost-Vlaanderen Co-founder at Avalanche Productions Bio I identify myself as a digital swiss knife. Skills Graphic Design, UI, UX, Videography, Storytelling, Marketing, Photography, Sound design, Streaming HTML, CSS, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, Audition, Lightroom, XD, OBS, Notion http://avalanche-prod.be https://github.com/labautpol

Good to know I use discord in white mode during the day (I swear I’m not a psychopath)

Coach Emma [emmastoks#5746 on Discord] Artevelde Hogeschool & Belnet Chair at Open Fields Foundation Bio At 17, I chose not to go to college, but instead make the world my university. I created Emma's College and dove deep into the world of innovative learning and development. Today I run the Open Fields Foundation, where we focus on making the world a little more equal by opening up information, sectors and (academic) disciplines. Skills Storytelling, self-directed learning, career development https://www.openfieldsfoundation.com/ https://github.com/emmastoks Good to know I cook a great pasta al limone

Coach Bert [jeborsel#6737 on Discord] Artevelde Hogeschool & Belnet Innovation at BOSA Bio Limburger, Wereldburger (English: Limburger, World Burger πŸ”) Skills Business modelling, Badges, Project Mgmt, Gov workings Badges Badges Badges, some knowledge of R , Vue, Quasar, Firebase, SQL https://jeborsel.com/ https://github.com/jeborsel Good to know I eat ice faster than you can break it

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