Week 3 Day 1: Invite people! + Talks


Invite People to the Demo Day!

Don't just invite your friends and family to show off what you made; invite your (future) colleagues and employers – so you get to land that dream job 😎https://bit.ly/DemoDayosoc21

Pick your Talk

[optional workshop 1] How to pro pitch with less by Annelies

Annelies has a ton of experience with making home-made videos look professional – even if you don't have expensive gear. Make your pitch look finger-licking-good for the demo day πŸ”₯

[optional workshop 2] Intro to Dev 001 by Chris / Dev for non dev / w.. even is dev by Chris

Chris, 2-time student alumni and now coach shows the non-devs what devving really is. Want to expand your 🧠, extend your t-profile and understand your teammates better? Look at theeeem

Can't attend the talk or workshop? Don't worry! You can always watch them after work with some 🍿πŸ₯€

Last updated