Week 2 Day 1: First Build Week + Talks + Networking (but fun)


Gooooood Morning

From now on your team will find its rhythm for the coming weeks. You'll find your groove with stand-ups (and -downs); client meetings, scoping sessions, retro's, pitches and all that good stuff. This rhythm is nice to make sure you deliver quality projects in strong teams πŸ’ͺ

Build what you've defined last week. Go team!

Test What You Build

If you build something, but nobody know how to use it, does it even exist?

How to conduct user interviews and tests: Conduct (Remote) Tests and Interviews with Real People

Pick Your Talk

We've got 2 talks for you in store today! You can watch them later as well, we'll share them in the #announcements channel πŸ₯³

[optional workshop 1] Data Docker by Selwin Konijn

Is Docker still a mystery for you? Say no more! Jodi recommended Selwin's talk because apparently it's very comprehensive. Please install Docker Desktop and have an ide / text editor availabe (like visual studio). Meeting link in calendar.

[optional workshop 2] How to Start a Startup by Rutger

Rutger founded Conversation Starter a while ago; and he'll reveal how he did it! He's also been a coach with osoc several times; doing a stellar job. Meeting link in calendar.

Can't attend the talk or workshop? Don't worry! You can always watch them after work with some 🍿πŸ₯€

Conversation Starter

Your chance to meet students, coaches and anyone you like outside of your team! Didn't make your profile yet, and haven't planned any meetings yet? Do it quickly! https://events.conversationstarter.net/e/osoc

Want to know more about your Coaches, Student Coaches & Councillors? Visit the Coaches, Student Coaches & Councillors skill overview page!

Last updated