Week 3 Day 2: Last Client Meetings + Invite People!


Last Partner Meeting


On Tuesdays we wear pink.. I mean meet clients.

There's time in the morning to prepare your client meetings, if you didn't do that already the day before! To keep in mind for your first meeting:

Some tips and tricks can come in handy if you've never attended a client meeting before:


Scroll down to see more days, scroll to the right to see more teams and their links!

Upload a picture (with consent) of your team and your partner ❀ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P8UlnxsP-WS17Iy9uUVdOxkkk5XrxvVV?usp=sharing️

Moment of Silence at 12:00

Today is the official day in Belgium to mourn the victims of the floodings. Come to the moment-of-silence voice channel to mourn the lives that have been lost, for one minute at 12:00PM.

Pitch Deadline at 15:30

Your third pitch will be delivered in a video format.

Drop your pitch in the Week 3: pitches folder. (Ping Miet if you're running into trouble making the deadline).

  • 60 seconds

  • max 6 slides

  • .mov format

Use Annelies' tips! Rewatch it πŸ₯³

Invite People to the Demo Day!

Don't just invite your friends and family to show off what you made; invite your (future) colleagues and employers – so you get to land that dream job 😎 https://bit.ly/DemoDayosoc21

Last updated